January 2, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
6:00pm – Social Time; 6:45pm – Chapter Announcements, followed by the Speaker
Speaker: Ryan Bass is the Environmental Program Manager for the City of Boerne where he leads the city’s Urban and Community Forestry, Water Conservation and Watershed Protection programs. He has
14 years of experience in municipal government where he has held positions in Economic Development, Capital Project Management and Environmental Planning. Ryan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Forestry with a concentration in Wildlife Management and a Minor in Biology from Stephen F Austin State University. He is an avid outdoorsman with a special interest in archery, fly fishing and multi-day kayaking trips.
Topic: City of Boerne Environmental Programs. Ryan will provide an overview of current environmental programs being conducted by the city, including the updated tree ordinance, dark sky initiatives, water conservation and surface water quality monitoring. He will also detail how environmental protections found within the city’s unified development code are applied to both commercial and residential development projects.