

Cynodon dactylon

Other Common Names

Various hybrids starting with “Tif”

Plant Category

Grass and Sedge, Perennial

Invasive Description

Bermuda Grass was brought to America from Africa by the early 1800s as a popular grass in the South for lawns and recreational fields. It is the most commonly used warm season turfgrass in Texas and the most troublesome and invasive. It reproduces by stolons, very deep rhizomes and very persistent seed. In addition, it requires a fair amount of sun, water, fertilizer and maintenance to look good. Massive spread is facilitated by its broad genetic variability. Bermuda Grass is usually sold under the names of its many varieties, often starting with the prefix Tif, for example, Tifturf, Tifway, etc. and not listed as “Bermuda Grass.”

Ecological Threat

Bermuda Grass crowds out native grasses and other prairie plants, spreads quickly, and is very difficult to control. It is very invasive, especially in agricultural fields, flower beds and gardens.  According to Texas Invasive Species Institute, Bermuda Grass is extremely difficult to eradicate once established due to the deep rhizomes and rapid reproduction rate.

How to Eradicate

For information on how to eradicate this invasive, view our statement on herbicide use and preferred alternatives for invasive plants.

Native Alternatives

You can replace this invasive plant with native alternatives. Here are some plants that make superior replacements.

Match your location on the Texas map to the color squares on the replacement plants below to find suitable replacements for your ecoregion.

Click for more details about the ecoregions
Additional Replacement Options: Curly Mesquite Grass (Hilaria belangeri), Thunder Turf