What is Texas Native Plant Week?
To recognize the role of native plants in conservation and to provide incentive for schools to teach children about the importance of native plants, in 2009 the Texas Legislature designated the third full week in October as Texas Native Plant Week.
Many organizations and communities recognize Texas Native Plant Week with festive events, native plant sales, educational opportunities and outside activities. Look for events to attend in your community, or celebrate by just getting outside and enjoying our wonderful Texas native plants.
Wild Plants of Texas NPSOT Challenge BioBlitz
The sixth annual NPSOT plant BioBlitz! The Native Plant Society of Texas is leading a bioblitz challenge for anyone to document the wild plants (plants that aren’t cultivated or planted) anywhere within the state. Observations need to be made from October 20 through October 26, and they need to have photo evidence so they can be verified by others.
Ideally, we want to see more native plants documented, but all plants count!
Plants observed should be wild and not cultivated. If you do document a cultivated plant, please mark it as cultivated!
Frequently asked questions
Observations must be of a plant with a photo and must be in Texas during Oct 20 – 26. If cultivated, observation must be marked as cultivated.
How can I participate?
It’s easy! Just download iNaturalist on smartphone, create username and password. You can also go onto the website www.iNaturalist.org and create a username and password. You can use a camera if you don’t have phone; just put the observations on iNat using the computer. Use the app to make observations, but go to the website to look at the data!
Do I need to join the project?
No! Any and all observations of plants made in Texas during October 20 – 26 will automatically be added to the project. You don’t have to do any extra steps to add observations to the project.
How can I see the progress of the bioblitz?
Search this page that aggregates all of the observations that match the criteria (plants, Texas, photo evidence). You can filter results by your county/region or by individual or plant family or anything else.
Can I observe a native plant that I put in my landscape?
We would rather you observe plants that are wild and not planted… iNaturalist is best used for natural distributions of organisms, so if we do observe cultivated/planted, they need to be marked as cultivated or captive. After all, we do have elephants in Dallas — but they’re captive. So, observations of cultivated plants need to be marked as cultivated.
Why should non-natives or invasives count to this bioblitz?
So, this data is still important to know! This project is for documenting all wild plants.
Where should I go to make observations?
The best place to go includes those wild spaces like no-mow zones or ‘weedy’ spots. You can observe plants from around your home or roadside (no trespassing allowed!!!). Public parks are ideal – observations made in these public spaces can guide management.
How else can I help?
One of the most important things you can do is help with the identifications! If you know some plants, take a look at the observations that folks are making around Texas:
This is best done on the computer/PC. You need to have an iNaturalist account to identify observations.
Also, if you notice that folks are documenting cultivated/planted plants, you can mark these as cultivated/captive on the identify screen.
Social Media Toolkit for Chapters
The Texas Native Plant Week statewide social media campaign toolkit was initially developed by the 2022 Hill Country Chapter community outreach board member. It contains related content for each of the themed days that chapter leaders can use to customize their online campaigns.
Native Plant Resources
About Native Landscape Certification Program
About this Program The Native Landscape Certification Program (NLCP) is a series of day-long classes that teach best practices for native plant landscaping – including wildlife habitat gardening. Each class
Monarch & Milkweed Resources
Learn about Monarchs Learn about the Monarch Butterfly Learn about Milkweed Texas Parks and Wildlife Identification of Milkweeds (Illustrated Guide) Learn about Butterfly Gardens Wildflower Center guide to making
Monarch Waystation Requirements
Monarch Waystations are places that provide all the resources necessary for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain their migration. A Monarch Waystation needs milkweeds, nectar plants, and some kind of
What is a native plant?
By Bill Ward Botanists say that Texas is home to over 7,000 species of vascular plants, including native, naturalized, non-native, crop and forage, and introduced perennial ornamental species. Nearly 5,000