The Fredericksburg Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas
invites you to explore the heart of our native Edwards Plateau ecosystem.
Willkommen ~ Welcome
We are Hill Country!
Draw an equilateral triangle. Austin and San Antonio anchor the easternmost points.
The triangle climbs into the hill country and onto the Edwards Plateau, its tip touching Fredericksburg and Gillespie County.
The pink dome of Enchanted Rock rises to the north of us.
This entire area is an intricate patchwork of oak and juniper woodlands,
savannas interwoven with grasslands, tree mottes and shrubs. Always native blossoms stand ready to amaze the viewer.
Ours is truly a rich and diverse natural heritage.
“No more monoculture lawn – using native groundcovers”
plants, all these overlooked tiny flowers will work well and can even be
used in place of lawn. Or mixed into a Buffalograss lawn.”
Tuesday, September 24, she will pull us to the diversity of the tiny native plants that buzz with life and can still be walked on, or played on, or mowed if you desire – just like grass.
6:30 greeting friends new and old
7:00 ~ This month ‘s business meeting & presentation:
If your day doesn’t quite manage in-person attendance,
Join us @ 7:00 p.m. on our YouTube channel: Fredericksburg Texas Native Gardening. Click “live” to see the scheduled meeting. Click on that meeting to join. The chat window will be open for questions during the presentation for those who have subscribed to the channel.
10 Tips to Attract Birds to Your Landscape
Nearly 50 years of data tells us that bird populations are declining at an alarming rate. Author Rufus Stephens, co-author of the book, Land Stewardship for Birds: A Guide for Central Texas, will speak about conserving and enhancing local habitats to produce the cover, food, and water needed for thriving bird populations.
View: Creating a Pollinator’s Garden
If you want to create a pollinator garden, but don’t know where to start, Holly Simonette, this month’s speaker at Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) Fredericksburg Chapter, will share tips and resources for going from blank slate to recognized pollinator garden
$2000 Bill Lindemann Scholarship Awarded to Mercedes Burks
The Fredericksburg Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) has awarded its $2,000 “Bill Lindemann Scholarship” to Mercedes Burks, a student at Texas A & M University.
“Our chapter board was impressed with Ms. Burks’ commitment to improve Texas ecosystems,” noted Deborah Simmons, President of the Fredericksburg chapter of NPSOT.
Flame Acanthus – a N.I.C.E. plant for a hot summer
Flame Acanthus is one of the indestructible natives that regularly laugh at Texas summer heat and drought -actually blooming through the midst of it. It is even a favorite nectar plant of the Monarch butterfly during the worst of our summer heat. This summer it is a N.I.C.E. plant on the Edwards Plateau.