Serving all of Tarrant County, the North Central Chapter has over 400 members, who maintain twelve demonstration gardens full of plants native to north central Texas. Our monthly meetings feature a variety of speakers and meet on the first Thursday of every month (except for January and July) at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens in the Rose Room. Join us in person or online! Save water with native plants and enjoy watching butterflies and birds in your backyard.
Our Mission
The mission of the Native Plant
Society of Texas is to promote conservation, research and utilization of native
plants and plant habitats of Texas through education, outreach, and
- President: Karen Harden, president@txnativeplants.org
- Past President: Marcie Delgado, marcie.delgado@npsot.org
- Vice President: OPEN
- Secretary: Marcie Delgado, secretary@txnativeplants.org
- Treasurer: Gordon Scruggs, treasurer@txnativeplants.org
- Communications: Frank Keeney, comm@txnativeplants.org
- Education/Outreach: OPEN
- Events: Gordon Scruggs, events@txnativeplants.org
- Facebook: OPEN
- Field Trips: Bill Freiheit
- Hospitality: OPEN
- Membership: Beth Barber, Teddi Zonker
- Newsletter Editor: OPEN
- NICE Coordinator: Hollie Carron, hollie.carron@npsot.org
- NLCP: Sandy Fountain, Theresa Thomas
- Parliamentarian: Martha Mullens
- Plant Sale: Sandy Fountain, Gordon Scruggs, plantsaleleaders@txnativeplants.org
- Publicity: OPEN
- Speakers Bureau: Theresa Thomas info@txnativeplants.org
- Website Committee: Avon Burton website@txnativeplants.org
Contact North Central Chapter
Nature is an open book for those who care to read. Each grass covered hillside is a page on which is written the history of the past, the condition of the present, and predictions of the future....
John Earnest Weaver
A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children....
John James Audubon