Demonstration Gardens

Randol Mill Park Pond Triangle Garden
Garden Lead: Carol Marcottee This lovely Native Plant Garden is locate at 1901 W. Randol Mill Rd., Arlington, TX 76012. Workdays are the 4th Thursday – email list will keep

Southwest Sub-Courthouse Demo Garden
Workdays: to be scheduled The Tarrant County Southwest Sub-Courthouse Demonstration Garden was established in 1998 by members of the North Central Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas, Jim

Pollinator Garden at Randol Mill Park
Lead: Josephine Keeney Workdays: Fourth Monday of each month The garden was started November 2020 with a great from the Audubon Society and plants were donated by volunteers. Bluebird nest

Butterfly Garden at Knapp Heritage Park
Leads: Josephine Keeney & Jane Oosterhuis Workdays: Monthly Knapp Heritage Park was dedicated in 2004 and managed by the Arlington Historical Society. Geraldine Mills is the Director of this park

Pollinator Garden at River Legacy Park
Lead: Josephine Keeney Workdays: Third Monday of each month The Pollinator gardens had been in disrepair for the lack of volunteers. In 2019, The River Legacy Sience Center ask a

O.S. Gray Natural Area
Lead: Josephine Keeney Workdays: Second Saturday of each month This Pollinator Garden was started from scratch in 2010 under the Leadership of Kevin Donovan and the sponsorship of the Arlington

The Butterfly Garden at Fielder House
Lead: Josephine Keeney For more details, visit the Fielder House website The butterfly garden at Fielder House was started in 2006 and continues to be a work in progress on

The Molly Hollar Wildscape
Leads: Ann Knudson and Hester Schwarzer Workdays: Every Wednesday of the month and first Saturday on the month The Molly Hollar Wildscape, located in Veterans Park, Arlington, TX was started

Native Gardens at Southwest Regional Library
Leads: Theresa Kay Thomas and Greg Hubbard Workdays: Second and Fourth Thursday of each month The Southwest Regional / Hulen Library Demo garden is located on the southwest corner of

Fort Worth Zoo Pollinator Garden
Lead: Stesha Pasachnik Workdays: 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month from 9:30 am to 11:00 am unless otherwise noted The Fort Worth Zoo Pollinator Grow Zone located at 1989

White Settlement Monarch Waystation
Garden Leaders: Avon Burton and Marcie Delgado Mission To attract and support local butterflies, Monarch butterflies, native bees, and other pollinators and to provide educational tools and volunteer opportunities that