January 15, 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Join us on Zoom (no in person meeting due to winter weather) for our January meeting on Monday the 15th at 7:00PM for quick announcements then our presentation from Ashley Landry on The Native Plant Rescue Project that started in the Williamson County Chapter. They have hosted over 50 plant rescues and rescued over 225 species of native plants since it was created in 2022. The project works with developers to ethically rescue native plants and transfer them to growers and conservation partners.
Speaker Bio: Ashley Landry is a member of the Williamson County Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas, a Texas Master Naturalist and the creator of the Native Plant Rescue Project.
All meetings are open to members and the public. Join us starting at 6:30 for social time as chapter announcements and presentations start at 7:00pm. We meet at the Gaston Christian Center at 8515 Greenville Ave, Dallas 75243. We’ll have sign pointing the way or you can reference our website for more info. https://www.npsot.org/chapters/dallas/meetings-location/
If you can’t join in person, log on using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83725236133?pwd=MnRoZlRWMEd4ZENkaXdjalpkRFFIdz09
If needed, use:
Meeting ID: 837 2523 6133
Passcode: 882399a*