July 15, 2023 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
The next Monarch waystation workday is Saturday July 15th. The workday is every month on the 3rd Saturday. We will start on the southbound side at 9:00 am. Please come and go as your schedule allows. We will be watering and weeding. With a commitment of volunteer hours, you can qualify for a Volunteer Monarch T-Shirt.
We recommend that you bring the following items if you have them; trash bags and some extra tools will be provided:
Knee pads or kneeling pad or towel to kneel on
Weeding tool
5-gallon bucket
Mask if desired
The Hill County Northbound Rest Area is located at Exit 362A on Interstate I 35, (about 5 miles south of Hillsboro, near Abbot). Access from Texas Interstate 35 is in the northbound direction only. If you are coming from the north (Dallas) go past the rest area and take the second exit and do a U-turn, get back on the interstate going north and take Exit 362A.