July 25, 2024 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
6:30pm – Social time
7:00pm – Hybrid classroom/Zoom meeting opens.
We hope you can join our meeting in person at TWU’s
Ann Stuart Science Complex. Campus parking is open
after 6:00pm.
If you can’t join us in person, we invite you to our
Zoom meeting.ZOOM PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Please Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you
will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the meeting.
Native Plants in Schools presented by Haeley Giambalvo, founder of the web site Native Backyards web, author of the book Native Plant Gardening for Beginners, and winner of the 2023 Digital Media Award for outstanding work in digital media.
Public Welcome. Free Admission. Hosted by the Native Plant Society of Texas – Trinity Forks chapter.
This presentation discusses how teachers, students, parents, and community volunteers can incorporate native plants into their school gardens and yards.
Resources provided during Haeley’s talk include the Native Plant Society of Texas’ native plant School Garden Starter Guide, School Garden Examples, a downloadable Native Plants for Kids presentation, and free curriculum and activities resources for making learning about native plants fun.