May 4, 2024 @ 3:00 am – 3:30 am
NLCP Classes
On May 4, the chapter will offer Level 4 of the Native Landscape Certification Program (NLCP) with instructors Kathy Ward and Veronica Hawk. This workshop will focus on land stewardship. As more land is developed, good examples of healthy, natural habitats are disappearing. This is an opportunity to learn how to create an effective land stewardship plan and how to restore/rehabilitate wildlife habitats in the greenspaces, backyards and parks around our community. Learn how to assess what is present, set and prioritize goals, and monitor the effectiveness of your effort. We will tour the Cibolo Nature Center and learn to recognize habitats and how this beautiful property is maintained as an example to emulate.
The Level 4 class does not have a pre-requisite. The purpose of this class is to learn how to care for a public or private property, to contribute to a healthy environment and to add to our homegrown national park. Check out the website ( and register today!Native Landscape Certification Program Level 1 – Introduction to Native Landscapes, will be presented at Cibolo Nature Center on April 6 by Brenda Fest, Ed Noack, Gary Fest and Terry Lashley. This class is full, but a waiting list is maintained in registration:
If you have taken any of the NLCP classes and would like to be an instructor, please contact Veronica at for details.