Native Plants in Landscaping: Trees, Shrubs, Cacti and Grasses of the Texas Desert and Mountains

Michael Powell, Shirley Powell


Iron Mountain Press

Publication Date:

October 15, 2005


Landscaping, Regional

In this insightful guide, the focus is on the unique flora of Trans-Pecos Texas, an arid and rugged region known for its challenging climate. The authors delve into the remarkable adaptations of native plants that thrive in this environment, emphasizing their cold-hardiness and ability to withstand extreme temperatures. These species have evolved to make the most of limited water availability, making them ideal candidates for sustainable landscaping.

The book not only serves as a practical guide for gardeners and landscapers but also encourages a deeper appreciation for the native flora. By incorporating these plants into our outdoor spaces, we can create gardens that harmonize with the rugged beauty of Trans-Pecos Texas while conserving water and supporting local ecosystems.