Range Plants of North Central Texas: a Land User’s Guide to Their Identification, Value and Management

Ricky J. Linex


BRIT Press

Publication Date:

July 1, 2022


Prairie, Reference, Regional, Wildlife

This guide focuses on the native plants found in the Rolling Plains, Cross Timbers and Prairies, Blackland Prairie, and Post Oak Savannah vegetational areas of Texas.

The book features 1,450 photos covering 324 plants, including 160 forbs (wildflowers), 59 grasses, and 105 woody plants. Each plant is described with an emphasis on leaves, flowers, fruits, and other details to aid in identification. Linex provides valuable insights into the value of these plants for different species of livestock and wildlife. Understanding their significance is crucial for successful land management. Additionally, management tips are offered to help maintain or enhance the presence of these plants on your property.

The book is arranged alphabetically by plant family, then by genus, and finally by species within each genus. This grouping facilitates easier comparison and identification. While the focus is on North Central Texas, the book’s content is relevant to landowners, students, and wildflower enthusiasts across the middle half of Texas and southern Oklahoma due to regional overlap among many of these plants.