Wild Orchids of Texas

Joe Liggio, Ann Orto Liggio


University of Texas Press

Publication Date:

July 22, 2010


Reference, Regional

This is a captivating book that explores the diverse world of native orchids found in the Lone Star State. Let’s delve into the fascinating details:

  1. Rich Diversity: Texas boasts at least fifty-nine species and varieties of orchids. These terrestrial wonders grace our landscapes, growing with roots in the ground rather than as epiphytes on trees or plants.
  2. Beautifully Illustrated: The book features stunning color photographs by Joe Liggio, showcasing all fifty-four wild orchids found in Texas. Each species description includes information about its flowers, blooming season, pollinators, typical habitats, and distribution within and beyond the state.
  3. Habitats and Range: From the East Texas swamps and forests to the Edwards Plateau canyons and the Trans-Pecos mountains, these orchids thrive in diverse ecosystems. Their exquisite beauty captivates everyone, from wildflower enthusiasts to botanists and conservationists.

Whether you’re a nature lover, a curious observer, or an aspiring botanist, Wild Orchids of Texas invites you to explore the delicate and enchanting world of these floral gems.