
Glossy Privet

Ligustrum lucidum

Other Common Names

Large Leaf Ligustrum, Large-Leaf Privet, Waxleaf Privet

Plant Category

Shrub, Tree

Invasive Description

Native to China, Japan and Korea, Glossy Privet is a fast-growing evergreen that can reach 35 feet tall. It has a dense canopy of bending branches composed of glossy, dark green leaves, 2 – 4 inches long. Small cream-colored, fragrant flowers are produced in large clusters. Fruits ripen into bunches of small purplish-black berries. Both leaves and fruit are poisonous to humans and some animals.

Ecological Threat

Glossy Privet grows quickly and completely dominates an area or forest. It colonizes by root sprouts and bird dispersed seeds. It creates a monoculture and changes the character of the forest understory. According to a 2019 Scientific Reports article, it is one of the most invasive plant species in the world.

How to Eradicate

For information on how to eradicate this invasive, view our statement on herbicide use and preferred alternatives for invasive plants.

Native Alternatives

You can replace this invasive plant with native alternatives. Here are some plants that make superior replacements.

Match your location on the Texas map to the color squares on the replacement plants below to find suitable replacements for your ecoregion.

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