
Native Plants Star in Monarch Waystations, and the BBMT Plays a Part

Presentation Details

The program includes an explanation of NPSOT’s Bring Back the Monarchs to Texas committee and its garden grant program, and illuminates some of the highlights and pitfalls of past grant applications. We’ll also learn how Monarchs depend on native plants for their breeding and migration success, why planting for Monarchs is urgent, and the key features of a good Monarch Waystation. Then, we’ll have a look at beautiful Texas natives you can plant to provide for Monarchs.

Equipment Required:
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Ecoregions Covered:
Central Great Plains, Chihuahuan Deserts, Cross Timbers, East Central Texas Plains, Edwards Plateau, Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes, High Plains, Southern Texas Plains, Southwestern Tablelands, Texas Blackland Prairies, Western Gulf Coastal Plain

Presenter Information