
Riparian Management – Why Creeks Act the Way They Do

Presentation Details

One hour presentation goes into the relationships of riparian areas to the uplands that provide water to them and the importance of good land stewardship for the maintenance of healthy creeks and rivers. Several native riparian plants will be shown and their strength rating and wetland indicator rating will be discussed. Also discussed will be what goes wrong when vegetation and landform can’t support excessive amounts of water and how erosion results. Restoration will be covered and there will be a handout listing riparian plants of north central Texas, including their strength and wetland indicator ratings.

Equipment Required:
Projector, Screen, Computer, Microphone
Additional Requirements:
Ecoregions Covered:
Central Great Plains, Chihuahuan Deserts, Cross Timbers, East Central Texas Plains, Edwards Plateau, Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes, High Plains, Southern Texas Plains, Southwestern Tablelands, Texas Blackland Prairies, Western Gulf Coastal Plain

Presenter Information

  • Ricky Linex

    Ricky Linex retired in 2021 as a wildlife biologist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service and now works as a range and wildlife consultant.

    With NRCS, Linex worked 52 counties in north central Texas covering the Rolling Plains, Cross Timbers, Blackland Prairie, and Post Oak Savannah vegetational regions. He worked 38.5 years with NRCS in Goldthwaite, Snyder, Abilene, and Weatherford.

    He is the author of Range Plants of North Central Texas, A Land Users Guide to Their Identification, Value and Management, a plant identification book for Texas. Range Plants was recognized in 2015 as an outstanding publication by the Texas Chapter - The Wildlife Society, the Native Plant Society of Texas, and the Texas Section - Society for Range Management.