August 9, 2024 @ 9:00 am – 4:30 pm

As part of the National Wildlife Federation’s Monarch Stewards Certification Program, the Federation is offering Gardening for Monarchs & Other Wildlife with Native Plants in your Ecoregion.
This interactive two-day workshop will be hosted online (via Zoom) on August 7th (9:00 am-4:30 pm CST), and August 9th (9:00 am-4:30 pm CST), with plenty of breaks and time for Q & A. We will send a link to the meeting 2 days beforehand, via email.
Main Topics:
- How gardening for monarchs benefits many other wildlife species
- The human benefits of native gardening
- Importance of gardening with native plants
- Components of a native garden
- Creating native gardens, what to keep in mind
- Providing themed native gardens
- Growing your own native milkweed, the successful technique
- Basics of Landscape Designing (includes exercises)
- Installing and maintaining your new native garden