Hold the Phone! Tips for Photographing Native Plants and Wildlife with Your Smartphone

Presentation Details

In the age of smartphones, our phones often double as our primary cameras. This is especially true of gardeners, who tend to have only their phones available while gardening. In this presentation, Lauren Simpson shares tips for taking clear, beautiful, and impactful photos of native plants―and the wildlife they feed―with a smartphone.

Equipment Required:
Additional Requirements:
Ecoregions Covered:
Central Great Plains, Chihuahuan Deserts, Cross Timbers, East Central Texas Plains, Edwards Plateau, Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes, High Plains, Southern Texas Plains, Southwestern Tablelands, Texas Blackland Prairies, Western Gulf Coastal Plain

Presenter Information

  • Lauren Simpson

    Since early 2015, Lauren Simpson has spent her spare time transforming her Houston home gardens into a pollinator-friendly habitat, currently a Certified Wildlife Habitat (National Wildlife Federation), a Monarch Waystation (Monarch Watch, Waystation No. 10925), and a Certified Butterfly Garden (North American Butterfly Association).

    She promotes insect conservation and wildscaping through presentations, events, interviews, a website, and an educational Facebook community entitled St. Julian’s Crossing-wildlife habitat–the name adopted for her family’s Monarch Waystation. Ms. Simpson is a member of the Native Plant Society of Texas (Houston Chapter) and the North American Butterfly Association (Butterfly Enthusiasts of Southeast Texas Chapter).

    She has also received Level 1 and Level 2 certifications through the NPSOT Native Landscape Certification Program (NLCP), has attended the “Monarch Conservation Workshop: Train the Trainer” training, and serves on the NPSOT subcommittee for NLCP Level 4. Ms. Simpson is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Houston Law Center, where she teaches Lawyering Skills and Strategies. She is a spring 2016 recipient of the University of Houston Teaching Excellence Award (Instructor/Clinical category); one of three 2018 AALS Teachers of the Year selected by the Law Center; and the 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021 Student Bar Association Professor of the Year for Law Center faculty teaching in the part-time program.