Native Plant Lists
- NPSOT Native Landscaping Plants Database is our Texas native plant database for every ecoregion in Texas
- Find Native Plants for Pollinators by Zip Code by the National Wildlife Federation
Growing Native Plants
NPSOT YouTube Channels
- Austin NPSOT Chapter YouTube Channel
- Native Plant Society of Texas Official YouTube Channel
- Williamson County NPSOT Chapter YouTube Channel
- Clear Lake NPSOT Chapter YouTube Channel
Native Texas Plants Online
- Shinners & Mahler’s Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas by Diggs, Lipscomb, and O’Kennon [Also available in hard copy]
- Illustrated Flora of East Texas
- Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas
- iNaturalist is an online community for recording and classifying observations of nature.
- Portraits of Wildflowers
- NPSOT Central Texas Freeze 2021 project
Programs that Promote Native Texas Plants
- The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center contains beautiful native plant gardens and promotes conservation, restoration, and landscaping with native plants.
- The National Wildlife Federation runs the Garden for Wildlife program where you can learn about attracting wildlife with native plants in your own backyard. When your backyard habitat is complete, you can apply for recognition as a Certified Wildlife Habitat.
- Texas Parks and Wildlife, through its Wildscapes program, offers two certifications for home landscapes: Texas Wildscapes and Best of Texas Backyard Habitats.
- The Native Prairies Association of Texas (NPAT) promotes the conservation, restoration, and appreciation of native prairies in Texas and throughout the United States.
- The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. A recent project with a significant impact in Central Texas is the acquisition of the 530-acre El Rancho Cima Preserve along the Blanco River in Hays County. This land was part of the El Rancho Cima Boy Scout Camp of the Sam Houston Area Council, Scouting USA, which was closed after the catastrophic flood on Memorial Day weekend in 2015.
- TPWD Wildscapes Program
Homegrown National Park – Get on the map! Put your native plant garden, patio, green space on the Homegrown National Park and associate it with NPSOT Austin. Watch What’s the Rush? video for an introduction of why native plants are important for wildlife and our future.
Local Resources
- Austin Organic Gardeners
- Austin Water Conservation
- City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department
- Travis Audubon Society
- TreeFolks
- Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve
- Zilker Botanical Gardens
Additional Resources
Some excellent books are available for learning about native Texas plants, both in their natural habitat and for landscaping. If you purchase with these links the NPSOT gets a small commission.
Landscaping and Habitat Gardening
- Native Texas Plants: Landscaping Region by Region by Sally and Andy Wasowski
- Native Texas Gardens: Maximum Beauty Minimum Upkeep by Sally and Andy Wasowski
- Gardening with Prairie Plants: How to Create Beautiful Native Landscapes by Sally and Andy Wasowski
- Texas Wildscapes; Gardening for Wildlife by Noreen Damude, Kelly Bender, Diana Foss, and Judit Gowen
- Butterflies of Houston & Southeast Texas by John L. Tveten, Gloria Tveten, John Tveten.
- Nature’s Best Hope by Douglas Tallamy
Appreciation and Advocacy
- Wildflowers Across America by Lady Bird Johnson, Carlton B. Lees, Les Line
- Landscaping Revolution: Garden With Mother Nature, Not Against Her by Andy and Sally Wasowski
Field Guides
- Wildflowers of Texas by Geyata Ajilvsgi
- Wildflowers of the Texas Hill Country by Marshall Enquist
- Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide by Campbell & Lynn Loughmiller, Lynn Sherrod
- Trees of Central Texas by Robert A. Vines
- Wild Orchids of Texas by Joe Liggio and Ann Orto Liggio
- Common Texas Grasses: An Illustrated Guide by Frank W. Gould
- Cacti of Texas and Neighboring State by Del Weniger
- Texas Mushrooms: A Field Guide by By Susan and Van Metzler
- Native & Naturalized Woody Plants of Austin and the Hill Country by Brother Daniel Lynch
Ethnobotany and History
- Remarkable Plants of Texas by Matt Warnock Turner
- Useful Wild Plants of Texas by Scooter Cheatham and Marshall Johnston, with Lynn Marshall
- Wildflowers of Texas by Geyata Ajilvsgi
- Explorers’ Texas: The Lands and Waters by Del Weniger
Restoration and Propagation
- The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook: For Prairies, Savannas, and Woodlands
- How to Grow Native Plants of Texas and the Southwest Revised and Updated Edition by Jill Nokes
Botany and Ecology
- Shinners & Mahler’s Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas by Diggs, Lipscomb, and O’Kennon [online]
- Illustrated Flora of East Texas [online]
- Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Texas by Billie Lee Turner, Holly Nichols, Geoffrey C. Denny, and Oded Doron
- Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas by Correll and Johnston
- Edwards Plateau Vegetation: Plant Ecological Studies in Central Texas