November 12, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Landscaping for Biodiversity
Native Plants, Healthy Habitats, & Saving Your Patch of Texas
We receive daily reminders of the escalating impacts of climate change, but the increasing loss of habitats and biodiversity deserve equal attention as indicators of our declining natural world. What’s an individual to do in the face of growing gloom and doom? This presentation will explore the concepts of habitat, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Learn how to apply these concepts to your own native plant landscape to convert it to a functioning habitat that supports biodiversity and more fauna to your flora. Help keep Texas looking like Texas.

Lonnie Childs enjoyed a 30-year career as a manufacturing and supply chain executive capped by a stint leading his own management consulting firm. In 2001, he semi-retired to the Fredericksburg area to pursue his interests in history, natural history, and land conservation. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin.
In the ensuing years, he has been involved with multiple non-profit organizations including:
- Past President of the Fredericksburg chapter of Native Plant Society of Texas
- Past State President of the Native Plant Society of Texas in 2012-2013.
- In 2017, he was awarded the Benny Simpson Fellows Award for service to the society.
- He currently serves as President and Newsletter Editor of the Friends of the Fredericksburg Nature Center.
- Speaks and writes on naturalist topics
Join us at Riverside Nature Center, 150 Francisco Lemos St. Social time begins at 1 pm followed by the chapter business meeting at 1:30. The public is welcome and the presentation of free of charge.