April 12 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Meeting Location: Green Star Wetland Plant Farm, 4646 County Road 181, Alvin, TX 77511
Things To Bring: Closed toe shoes and bug spray recommended. Please bring adequate hydration and other items you may require to be comfortable. I anticipate we will be in full sun the entire time, so dress appropriately.
Field Trip Overview: Mary Carol Edwards, Green Star Wetland Plant Farm owner, has graciously offered for us to come visit the farm. It will allow us to become more intimate with large scale plant growth from deciding which species to select for cultivation, propagation, and grow out. It will allow participants access to thinking about how wetland plants are used throughout the Houston area for maintaining natural communities, providing water filtration and chemical sequestration, and types of projects currently being implemented around the region. From a plant identification perspective, the farm typically has around 90 species in cultivation so we will have time to talk through plant morphology with an emphasis on adaptations plants utilize to grow in prolonged saturated or inundated environments. Additionally, we will have the opportunity to view ongoing prairie restoration on six acres adjacent to the nursery and view several old live oak mottes.
Plants will be available for sale afterwards, so keep an eye out for something that catches your fancy.
Additional Site Information: https://greenstarwetlands.com/
Additional Coordination Details: Please contact Bob Romero for any further coordination details at
bobromero@gmail.com or by phone at 713.248.6030.