Did you know that Texas is a diversity hotspot for native bees?
This talk will introduce you to the fascinating world of native bees and explain their vital roles in ecosystems. It invites you to observe their nesting and foraging habits, whets your appetite to learn more about their six families, and guides you through the best management practices to conserve bee habitat. Come discover the educational resources we have for you to identify the native bees in your backyard.
To view our outreach pages for naturalists and land-owners, visit https://w3.biosci.utexas.edu/jha/native-bees.
About Laurel Treviño-MurphyLaurel built an Outreach Program in the Integrative Biology Department at UT Austin*. She has a bachelor’s in biology (National University of Mexico) and masters in botany and wildland resource sciences (UC Berkeley). Before practicing environmental education at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, she wrote natural science curricula and taught biology. In Shalene Jha’s lab, she collaborated with biologists and educators to produce educational resources on native bees, plants, and pollinator conservation. She loves native-plant gardening, managing Hill Country land for wildlife, local music, and Masterpiece Theatre.
*The official title is too long to read: Laurel Treviño, Outreach Program Coordinator for the Conservation Biology, Landscape Genetics, Agroecology, Plant-Animal Interactions Lab, UT Austin, AKA “The Jha Lab.”