Join us for our March meeting featuring Dr. Carly Aulicky, the North Texas Director of Outreach and Stewardship of NPAT, speaking on “Prairie Plants and Invasives”. We’ll meet on Monday, March 21st at 6:30pm for social time and start our program at 7:00pm. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89376637722?pwd=ay9uY1dZVlN4RGJBNkNEeG9ISC9ZQT09
Prairie ecosystems are adapted to grazing and fire, and these disturbance events are necessary to prevent prairies from becoming woodland and help maintain prairie biodiversity. With agricultural conversion and urban expansion, much of North America’s prairies have been lost and many remain in fragments. This has changed disturbance regimes in prairie ecosystems, often removing disturbance events required to maintain diverse prairies. Removal of disturbance and the changing land use around prairies can leave them vulnerable to invasive species establishment. Can a balance be found between maintaining prairie biodiversity and controlling invasive species in a changing landscape and climate?
Dr. Carly Aulicky is the North Texas Director of Outreach and Stewardship for the Native Prairies Association of Texas (NPAT). In her position, Carly acts as a resource and spokesperson for management and conservation of native prairies. Carly monitors NPAT properties, works with landowners on conservation easements, holds educational workshops and talks, and coordinates volunteer efforts in programs and projects. Dr. Aulicky completed her doctorates at the USGS Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Kansas State University in 2020.