News and announcements from our committee chairs, board members, and chapter leaders. Subscribe to our mailing list to stay up to date. For chapter news, visit Chapters. If you are looking for a calendar of events, see our Events Calendar.
A few of our native milkweeds
Two of the most important for monarch butterflies are Antelope Horns and Green Milkweed because they are common milkweeds that grow in pastures and along roadsides throughout the central flyway of Texas, the path that most Monarchs take on their migration through Texas.
Donations Can Impact Kate Hillhouse Undergraduate Scholarships!
**ARCHIVED POST ** Please keep the Kate Hillhouse Undergraduate Scholarship fund in mind if you or your chapter are looking for an impactful way to spend funds on our Society’s mission. This scholarship is awarded to students who will be junior or senior college undergraduates in the fall, who plan to pursue a
Scholarship Applications Open! Due May 1
**ARCHIVED POST ** Both scholarship applications are due May 1, 2022, and winners will be announced in early summer. This spring, the Native Plant Society of Texas is offering two student awards: the Dr. Alfred Richardson Scholarship and the Kate Hillhouse Scholarship. Applications are now open and can be accessed
Mid-Summer’s morning in a Central Texas habitat
**ARCHIVED POST ** Took a few walks around my yard and nearby locations, to see if the Phemeranthus calycinus aka Rock Pink or Flame Flower, might be in bloom, since we had had several days of rain recently. No such luck. There had been at least 20 specimens in the
Spring 2020 landscaping class schedule posted
Fifteen native plant landscaping classes at 10 different locations around the state have just been announced in spring 2020.
Plant sales for spring 2020
Here is a list of all the native plant sales we know about that are happening this spring. If we learn of more we’ll be adding them to the list.
Fall symposium opens on November 2
**ARCHIVED POST ** Our fall symposium will be in Huntsville this year with the theme **ARCHIVED POST** **ARCHIVED POST LINKS & PICTURES MAY NOT WORK** **ARCHIVED POST AUTHOR: Bill Hopkins
Mealy blue sage
**ARCHIVED POST ** Low-maintenance and long-blooming perennial Mealy Blue Sage, Salvia farinacea, also known as Mealycup Sage, is an herbaceous perennial. It is native to New Mexico and Texas; its native habitat includes prairies and the edges of woodlands. Its names “Mealy” and “farinacea” both refer to the way the